Attendance and Late Arrival:

At The Quran Academy, regular attendance is crucial to achieving academic success and maintaining a supportive learning environment. This policy outlines our expectations regarding student attendance and the procedures to follow in case of absences. Parents are advised to drop off their children at least 5 minutes before school starts. The Assembly is at 6:00 P.M. School will end at 8.00 P.M. Parents are strongly suggested to arrive in time to pick up their children. Prophet ﷺ emphasized that time is one of the blessings that is often wasted by humans. The Prophet said: "There are two blessings that many people are deceived into losing: health and free time." (Al-Bukhari, 2001).

1. Attendance Expectations:

  • Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and activities regularly and punctually.

  • Consistent attendance is essential for effective learning and participation in classroom activities.

2. Reporting Absences:

  • Parents or guardians must notify the Academy by WhatsApp group or email

3. Excused Absences:

  • Absences are considered excused for legitimate reasons such as illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, or religious observances.

  • Absences due to personal or family issues should be communicated to the school office in advance whenever possible.

  • No refunds are provided for missed days or planned absences.

5. Make-Up Work:

  • Students who miss classes due to excused absences are responsible for catching up on missed work. Teachers will provide make-up assignments and support as needed.

  • Students should communicate with their teachers to arrange for make-up work and ensure that they remain on track with their studies.

6. Attendance Monitoring:

  • The Quran Academy will regularly monitor student attendance and follow up on frequent or extended absences. Patterns of frequent absences will be addressed in meetings with parents or guardians to develop strategies for improvement.

Late arrival Policy

1. Arrival Time:

  • Students are expected to arrive and be in their designated classrooms by the start time of their scheduled classes. This ensures that all students can benefit fully from the planned lessons and activities.

2. Procedures for Late Arrival:

  • If a student is going to be late, a parent or guardian should inform the Academy as soon as possible, ideally before the start of the class, by contacting the school admin team via WhatsApp group or email.

  • Upon arrival, students should report at the front desk. This helps maintain a record of late arrivals and ensures that students are accounted for.

3. Consequences of Repeated Late Arrivals:

  • Students who arrive late on a regular basis may face disciplinary measures, which could include additional make-up work, a meeting with parents or guardians, or other appropriate actions to address the issue.

  • Consistent lateness may impact the student's participation grade and overall assessment, as timely attendance is crucial for academic progress and participation.

5. Commitment to Improvement:

  • We are committed to working collaboratively with students and their families to address and improve punctuality issues. Our goal is to ensure that all students can make the most of their educational experience and contribute positively to our school community.